We’re Going on an Adventure!

And…we would love for you to join! Party Business Podcast is an actual play of The One Ring RPG. The geekiest fellowship of all time sets out to carve their own story into the world of Lord of the Rings. Check out our episodes here and listen wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Party Business Podcast Party Business Podcast

Ep 5: Alls Well That Ends Well

Episode 5 of The Party Business Podcast sees the group get into actual combat! It’s really happening! The only problem is it might be too much for the Company of fledgling heroes to handle. Combat in The One Ring RPG is dangerous and death is just around the corner. Join the cast on this Lord of the Rings actual play adventure wherever you get your podcasts.

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Party Business Podcast Episodes Party Business Podcast Party Business Podcast Episodes Party Business Podcast

Ep 4: The Company Gets Stumped

The Party Business Podcast crew has found shelter from the lightning storm that erupted above them in Mirkwood forest. But at what cost? Many secrets hide in the dark corners of this One Ring RPG actual play adventure. Join the cast as they spin their own tale in the Lord of the Rings world in episode 4 of The Party Business Podcast called The Company Gets Stumped.

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Party Business Podcast Episodes Party Business Podcast Party Business Podcast Episodes Party Business Podcast

Ep 3: Still in the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

Episode 3 of The Party Business Podcast brings the spiders of Mirkwood Forest to bear against the group. They will need quick thinking and even quicker feet to escape the mess they found themselves in. Join the cast as they play The One Ring RPG in the actual play podcast called The Party Business Podcast. This Lord of the Rings adventure is just getting started.

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