Ep 6: Beer Lodgings
Credit: The One Ring RPG
It's taken 6 episodes, one of which was a two-parter, but the group finally comes to the other side of Mirkwood forest.
And it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty of The One Ring RPG rules.
The gang has a lot of firsts in this episode of The Party Business Podcast. The first Fellowship Phase, the first level up, and the first good ale in a very long time.
The heroes need to decide how to continue to gather information on the growing Shadow that seems to be creeping back into the forest and the surrounding area. Everyone has their own side quests as they figure out what's next for their adventure.
Most importantly, they need to decide what the Wilderlands need from them. Can they even help the people living there, trying to maintain peace?
And wizards may or may not be involved.
You can listen to the episode wherever you listen to podcasts or right here:
The great thing about The One Ring RPG rules is that the skills you use help you level up. There's varying success depending on how well a particular character did during the adventure. This means the more you try skills, the more skill points you'll have to level up.
And that makes a hell of a lot of sense to me.
This is something specific to 1st edition and seems to get lost in the 2nd edition. (We cover the changes to The One Ring RPG 2nd edition right here if you're interested.)
A little disclaimer to this episode:
We are very much figuring out the leveling system, but we still have a blast doing it.
It will also mark the beginning of our new schedule, an episode every other week. This is at least something we will keep through the holidays but may keep going forward. (Turns out, editing a podcast that has multiple audio streams, incorporating music and drama, and cleaning up the boring parts takes a ton of work! Who knew!)
But it's a great chance to catch up to The Party Business Podcast. You can listen anywhere you get your podcasts: