Ep 15: A Shortcut to Orc Rooms
Credit: The One Ring RPG Rivendell Module 1st Edition
The party finds themselves in the middle of an orc camp deep inside the Misty Mountains. They’ve made it past the guards and even found a button that may have once belonged to the famous Bilbo Baggins.
But they are far from being safe.
As footsteps approach the group in the heart of enemy territory, they must decide how to handle the many problems they face.
Do they attack outright and risk alerting every enemy below the mountains?
Or do they sneak around and do their best to cut off the head of the snake and take back the stolen goods from the caravan?
With Rhori in the group and an impatient Katvera…we all already know the answer.
Now to see if they can survive!
Listen to episode 15 of this One Ring RPG actual play wherever you get your podcasts or right here:
As we charge closer and closer to our full conversion to the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG, the group has to find a way to stay alive.
It would be a damn shame to come this close to converting only to have a beloved character cut down because they just HAD to go down into this goblin-infested hole of the Misty Mountains.
The only benefit here is the group can get some very good intel on what’s going on as darkness returns to the Wilderlands. And some sweet loot is probably coming their way. All mean nothing if they can’t survive, though.
And to give you a little better idea of what the group is searching through, here is the map of the Goblin tunnels:
Credit: The One Ring RPG 1st Edition Tales from Wilderland Supplement
This is yet another episode where the group proves that things can go pretty differently than the Loremaster can plan for. It’s what makes tabletop games so great. One less than ideal hitting arrow can change the course of a fight and the consequences when it's done.
And force the LM to come up with an extra voice and personality on the fly.
Just part of the job.
And the fun!
We are only a couple of episodes away from episode 17 of The Party Business Podcast, where we fully convert to the 2nd edition of The One Ring RPG! Check out the pod wherever you listen: